How to info


Downloading a magazine

To download on iPad: please make sure that you have the iBooks app installed on your iPad and that your settings allow you to save directly to the iBooks app. This will ensure that your downloaded magazines will appear in the iBooks library and you will be able to view the magazine offline. You can easily download the entire magazine or only single pages by clicking on the “Download” icon.

To download on PC: select the “Download” icon and specify wether you want to download the entire magazine or only single pages. Also specify where the PDF file(s) should be saved on your PC.
Depending on your browser, the publication will load after clicking on the Download button. At the top or bottom of the page, there will be a Save button. Click on it and specify where the PDF should be saved.

To download on Android: select the “Download” icon and specify wether you want to download the entire magazine or only single pages. Depending on your device settings, your downloads will appear in the folder you have selected.


Please note: ALL Magazines will be downloaded as PDF files. Not as applications.


Reading a magazine

Select publication to read

Click on the “Read more” button below the issue



If you have registered already, click on Login.

login how

If you haven’t registered yet, click on register and fill in your details.

register how

After login, you will be taken to the next screen, where you must then click on the “Click here to read…” link


The issue will open in a new window
Click on the arrows next to the pages to flip between the pages
pagearrows how


The toolbar has various functions to choose from

•    Table of contents – view the contents of the magazine

tablecontents how

•    Thumbnails –  view thumbnails of all the pages

thumbnails how

•    Bookmarks –  bookmark the pages for viewing them later

bookmarks how

•    Share this – share single pages or all pages on social networks and via email

share how

•    Select text – to select text to copy etc.

text how

•    Print – to print single page or all pages

print how

•    Download – to download and save a single page or the entire magazine

download how

•    Fullscreen – to view the pages in fullscreen mode

fullscreen how

•    Zoom in – to zoom in on the current page

zoom how

•    Other useful info:

–    Double click to zoom in

–    When zoomed in and going to the next page, it will automatically scroll to the top of the next page


Thank you for Registering!

The online portal showcasing magazines published by Media in Africa as well as TCB Media!

All magazines on this site can be read free of charge!

Click the button below to get started: